Fifteen Matches

Fifteen matches to light one cigarette
never did understand how they worked
or how the leagues blew and the pages
keep turning always to some entry, DEC
12, memory, a lengthy break from cursive,
caught in the breeze

Structures of red and iron are still,
never did understand how Miss Otis’s
feeble gales couldn’t shake the gantry

Always in a hurry and why not,
enter the concrete spit slurry
and feel it like sweaty sheets.
You’ll see that the unjustified sprinter
feels like breathing until gasping

No, I’ll not be in Hollywood
could never run that fast
when you’re there find Christ sit still
and take the vortextual bloodsuckers
to the sinks. See how you scratch
in the pews.

Never did understand the atom shake
hum drum muffle of old Chevy at harbor
when it’s out smoke another but before dip
your rugged fingers into the air for a minute