Elegy for Jane


At 7:33am, infiltrated the supersonics of my haze
voices instead of platitude text I followed with a Google,
a Marin, Musgrove website set place in a dorm room seven
sisters or fewer now

Heart pounds all my eternal sang out of my fingers
a bad habit if you ask me and she
loved Baudelaire and I hope the post-it
alstroemeria wall shredded peacefully

Those college towns are bleak in the winter
don’t feel bad about working in ads
I’m in theatre why justify? I know ugly ducks
when I spot them. Drink your kirshwasser or
it will perfectly reach the temperature
of your body and slink silently down your gizzard

Shouldn’t have had that coffee it’s freezing in here
and I’m staring at grants thinking how nice
it might be to drink another coffee
five months ago